Repairing & construction admixtures
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This category includes those products of WINWET family used as admixtures with cement (and sand) either for repair or for construction purposes, in order to give to the mass the specific properties required for any application, such as elasticity, hardness, waterproofness, mechanical resistance of various types (resistance to impact, abrasion, vibration, sudden load changes, etc.), workability, adhesiveness, best filling of cavities, liquidity (for self-smoothening cement mortars) and other properties listed detailed in the chapters on the products.
In the same category could be made a reference to some other materials that of family WinWet which basically belong to another category (as is done with Betostal SLN, used also as penetrating and impregnating admixture). Such materials, for example, is Armofix and Smaltofix, which are also mixed in some applications with cement and sand, for filling joints, cavities and fractures, defects leaving the formwork in concrete etc.. For such applications you can go back to the chapters relating to the specific products or the chapters on specific application fields that interest you (see the section “The application fields of technology”).
- Βetoplex
The elastic additive that saves structures: Elastic water insulating resin for waterproofing of foundations, tanks, cesspools, pools, plant stands etc., with cement mortar (in conjunction with Betocryl). It manufactures elastic and waterproof mortar, screed and repair concrete that does not crack during drying.
By spraying ensures smooth drying of fresh plaque without crackings. Ideal admixture for mud or tile adhesive. - Polibond Elastico
Acrylic resin with high elasticity specially designed for the manufacture of “hydraulic cement adhesive”. It is the ideal solution for filling cracks that have come from sinking of land or floor. - Acryplex
Innovative liquid admixture acrylic based designed for emulsion water paints to which it gives the best possible paint adhesion on smooth surfaces such as glass, metal, plastic, etc., without the risk of flaking later. Also, the same material is used as additive in cement mortars, repair concrete, tile adhesive, jointing mud and other applications, such as Βetoplex for even greater elasticity. - Betostal SLN, Admixture
Admixture for waterproof & enhancement of resistance: Ideal mud admixture for walls for greater adhesion and mechanical resistance. In conjunction with Betoplex it is ideal admixture for waterproof construction of walls and bottom of pool, tank, planter, cesspools, manholes, ground retaining walls etc. It is also used as penetrating water insulating. - Sovaplex DS
Additive for elastic and waterproof plaster: Admixture resin instead of lime for elastic and waterproof plaster without white spots and radioactive elements, with high adhesion to vertical surfaces and ceilings and excellent workability, which “binds” well with the masonry and is not cracking. - Duraplex
The waterproof admixture for heavy construction: high resistant resin admixture for the construction of waterproof and resistant to mechanical stress building elements of concrete, concrete bricks, blocks, electrification poles, ports blocks etc. concrete objects that require high resistance and don’t need elasticity.