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Some Excerpts from the Books

Themistocles Lykiardopoulos

A journey of Truth into the mind’s sanctuary
with the destination of inner Freedom.
a book, a message, a way to live

Click here to view the whole book.

«An inner novel with no start nor end
based on the true story of my life.»

The “State of Freedom” constitutes a complete method for total self-healing from the complex emotional burden we have accumulated during our life, based upon my personal inner experiences.

“I keep one thing from your book: The courage
of total ‘denudation’ to Public View.
Congratulations for this… Nowadays,
a venture, an experiment like the one you make
can PERHAPS prove to be a new solution.
Your book triggers existential
questions; it opens a pathway.”
Dimitris Konstantaras,
journalist & writer

With this book my “ glowing “ friend THEMOS LYKIARDOPOULOS manages the impossible for a person who has already lived many years as an adult;
to “ roll back ” and view life with the wisdom, the purity, the disarming truthfulness, the earnestness and the SUFFERING of a NEWBORN.
Themos ” cleans himself ” and is offered to us as a NEWBORN, and this is a real boon for whomever takes this book into his hands.
Themos Lykiardopoulos and this particular work of his constitute the “ tour train “ that is going to guide us around all these thoughts, which already exist – either in an abstract or in a concrete form – within ourselves, and will open the “ pathway “ for us to self-catharsis and detachment from all trivialities.
The selection of this “ pathway “ is definitely up to us.
John Savvidakis
songwriter, composer

My book “The State of Freedom”
is nothing but the confession of my slavery.
Whichever degree of freedom I have attained
has been started from this very confession
and will be based there forever.
The author


Themistocles Lykiardopoulos
A simple method for effortless joy,
optimism, fearlessness and abundance.

a book, a message, a way to live

Click here to view the whole book.

« There is nothing like a dream to create the future. »
Victor Hugo

Out of fear of being viewed as a utopian visionary or an arrogant jerk, should I not dare to even think into what I would like my life to be transformed, as well as the world in which I live? This seemed to me a disability, a spiritual disability, an amputation of my spirit, a crime that had been being committed habitually for many years, by myself against myself, at the altar of my compliance to social models; at the altar of my fear to be different and finger-pointed.

Hence, I decided to go beyond this emotional blackmail to which I had bowed so far and to view as a very substantial activity and creative work the contemplation upon the changes I want to see happen in my life and in the world where I live. I ascertained that the time I am going to dedicate to this activity will be a very good investment and not a useless wandering of my mind to utopias, like I used to judge such “otherworldly”, as I used to call them, spiritual pursuits.

… If I do not abandon the fruitless unspecified muttering and the sterile generalities and do not proceed to the focused visualization and the analytical recording of all details of the world I am dreaming of, then how can I be internally ready to exploit some specific opportunities that could possibly lead to the materialization of specific details of my dreams?

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