The State of Freedom
A journey of Truth into the mind’s sanctuary
with the destination of inner Freedom.
Translator’s Notes
A few significant notes from the translator of this book
from Greek to English, who is the author himself.
1. The word “state” in the book’s title.
The English word State is the best I could find to convey the meaning of the Greek word “Politeia”. Politeia is not limited in the geographical limits of a town. It means all the people, the events, the buildings, the streets, the bridges, the buses, the trains, the everyday life of the people who live together in a city or in a country. Metaphorically, the author uses this word for the inner world of himself and of all other people, as well.
2. Personified notions have been given a gender.
In my native language (Greek) all nouns have a gender. This offered me the possibility to personify some of the protagonists who participated in this inner drama of mine. Thus, the mind is a “he” and the heart is a “she”. The planet Earth (or Mother Earth) and the Moon are also “she” and the Sun is a “he”.
These nouns have not been given their genders haphazardly, without any reason. There is a truth lying in them. The wisdom of the Greek language has revealed this truth by giving the correct gender to each noun.
Namely, the mind has a male nature, whilst the heart has a female one. The planet Earth and the Moon have female attributes, whereas the Sun has male attributes. These statements are extensively explained at several points throughout this book.
Therefore, references to the above notions in this book are always made by using the words “he”, “his”, “him”, “she” and “her”, although this is grammatically incorrect in the English language.
These tactics were chosen in order to keep the reader’s mind close to the aforementioned truth and make reading more vivid and interesting.
Further female personified notions in this book are:
Freedom, Slavery, Agony, Compassion, Envy and Despair.
And some male ones:
Fear, Anger, Brain and others.
There is also one genderless personification in the book:
the Unconsciousness.
3. By “brothers” is meant “brothers and sisters”.
In Greek there is one word which means “brothers and sisters”. In English there is no such word. Therefore, in order to make the text more friendly and pleasant for the reader, I do not repeat “brothers and sisters” throughout the book. Instead, I preferred to use the word “brothers” to always imply “brothers and sisters” in this book.
4. By “Master” is meant “loving Master of wisdom who teaches his disciples”.
In Greek the world “Daskalos” (“Δάσκαλος”) means teacher, but it also means the wise Master of wisdom, who masters the principles of a loving, happy and harmonious life and teaches them to his disciples. So, the word “Master” is always used with this meaning in this book and not with the meaning of the boss or chief or ruler to whom everybody must obey.