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The State of Freedom
A journey of Truth into the mind’s sanctuary
with the destination of inner Freedom.

Second Unti of Steps:

I want to become free.
I am restless.
I do not have to be anything.
I am restful.
I have nothing.
I want nothing.
I fear nothing.
I am nothing.
I am free.

Once, I used to sing:
My sun, my sun, my king,
tell me, what did you envy me for,
you lit my heart once
and then you set.
O injured boy, beasts wrapped you up,
in the dawn they took you and crucified you.
(popular Greek song)

Now, I sing:
O my sun, my sun, my king,
I love you, I am grateful to you,
you lit my heart once
and ever since you are here.
O injured boy I was once,
in the dawn you took me and healed me.

(I dedicate this song to my Master.)

In the menu at the left you can find the chapters of the second unit of the second part of the book.

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